Download Radmin v3.5 + v3.4 Full Version (Install with Crack / Keygen / Serial) Radmin ( Remote Administrator) is fast and secure remote control and remote access software. It enables you to work on a remote computer as if you were sitting right in front of it and access it from multiple places. Radmin includes full support of Windows Vista (32bit), file transfer, multi-user text and voice chats, Windows security, Kerberos authentication, 256-bit AES encryption for all data streams, telnet. Radmin server 3.4 portable in Description Radmin Viewer It has many advanced features including the ability to remotely control the desktop screen, transferring files between the client and server computer, and also establishing a voice or text chat between the two peers. Installing Radmin Viewer 3. Step 1: Download Radmin Viewer 3.5. Execute rview35.msi on the remote computer ( the local computer is the computer from which you connect to the remote computer ). Follow the on-screen instructions. All the necessary files will be copied to the system default directory (C: Program Files Radmin Viewer 3 ).
You can run Radmin Viewer's executable file, radmin.exe, in theinstallation directory with the followingcommand-line switches:
Radmin License Key
Initiates connection to a remote computer without aphonebook:
is the remote computer IP address or DNS name.port
is the port number which Radmin Server, installed on a remotecomputer, is configured to use for connections.
connects through an intermediate Radmin Server
is the intermediate computer IP address or DNS name.port
is the port number which Radmin Server, installed on a intermediatecomputer, is configured to use for connections.
/connect: /through:
starts with specified phonebook file.
is a path and name of the phonebook file.
connects using the 'View Only' connection mode.
/connect: /noinput
connects using the 'Telnet' connection mode.
/connect: /telnet
connects using the 'File Transfer' connection mode.
/connect: /file
connects using the 'Shutdown' connection mode.
/connect: /shutdown
connects using the 'Text Chat' connection mode.
/connect: /chat
connects using the 'Voice Chat' connection mode.
/connect: /voice
connects using the 'Send Message' connection mode.
/connect: /message
Used with the 'Full Control' connection mode (no mode switches)or 'View Only' connection mode (the '/noinput' switch). Willdisplay the remote computer window in full screen.
/connect: /noinput /fullscreen
/24bpp, /16bpp, /8bpp, /4bpp,/2bpp, /1bpp
Used with the 'Full Control' connection mode (no mode switches)or 'View Only' connection mode (the '/noinput' switch). Defines thecolor depth of images that Radmin Server will transfer to RadminViewer. Lower color depths will require less data to be transferredover the network, which improves update speeds but decreases imagequality. Maximum color depth will show you almost the same image ason the remote computer, but the update speed can be slow.
/connect: /noinput /16bpp
/updates:<number of updates per second>
number of updates per second
gives the maximum number of screen updates per second.
Used with 'Full Control' connection mode (no mode switches) or'View Only' connection mode (the '/noinput' switch). Will displaythe remote computer window with no more than the specified numberof updates per second.
/connect: /noinput /updates:30
Sends specified Radmin Server activation request file tothe Famatech Activation Server and saves received licensefile. Received license file can be used to activate RadminServer manually or using the Radmin Server command-line switches.
/sendrequest /requestfile'<request file name>'/licensefile'<license file name>'[/outputfile'<output file name>']
request file name
is the name and path of the activation request filegenerated by Radmin Server. More info...license file name
is the name and path of the license file to be saved.output file name
is the optional switch that defines the name and path of reportfile to be saved. Report file will contain text description ofoperation success or failure.
radmin.exe /sendrequest /requestfile'C:fam.request'/licensefile'C:fam.license'
radmin.exe /sendrequest /requestfile'C:fam.request'/licensefile'C:fam.license' /outputfile'C:fam.log'
Displays a window with a list of available command-line switches.